One of the easiest ways to save money is by taking steps to lower your home energy costs. While some steps require an investment, many are simple changes that you can make today. Here are just a few, from big to small.
Upgrade Your Insulation
Heating and cooling typically comprise the majority of a home’s monthly utility costs. Consider hiring a spray foam contractor to upgrade your insulation. Spray foam insulation provides an air-tight seal, does not absorb moisture, and is proven to reduce utility costs. It’s also installed with minimal mess.
Go Solar
While switching to solar can be expensive at the outset, your energy costs will decrease dramatically over time.
Wash Your Laundry in Cold Water
The heating of water has a huge impact on energy costs. In fact, 90% of the energy used by a washing machine is due to hot water cycles. Cold water is just as effective, as laundry detergent works regardless of temperature. You can also lower costs by hang drying your clothes.
Install CFL Bulbs
CFLs (compact florescent light bulbs), use much less energy than incandescent bulbs. Although they’re more expensive, they have a far longer life span than traditional bulbs. You’ll enjoy significant savings over time.
Close Air Vents
If you have rooms in your house that go unused, it’s inefficient to cool or heat them. Close air vents in those rooms and shut the doors to reduce air flow.
Use Ceiling Fans
Cooling your home with ceiling fans allows you to raise your thermostat a few degrees. This can lower your electricity bills without sacrificing comfort.
Change Your Window Treatments
When temperatures increase in summer, energy-efficient blinds or shades can lower heat gain throughout your home when closed. In winter, open your blinds and shades to utilize sunshine to aid heating.